Our Youth

Our mission at the Baltimore Scene is to nurture and empower the next generation through immersive education in the arts, activism and entrepreneurship. Py providing a platform for creative expression, fostering social awareness and instilling business acumen, we aim to cultivate a diiverse community of innovative and socially conscious leaders who will drive positive change in Baltimore and beyond. Through mentorship, hands on training, and collaborative projects, we inspire and equip our youth to harness their talents, advocate for social justice, and build sustainable ventures that benefit both themselves and their communities. Together, we strive to create community experiences and opportunities for young adults that pave the way for a brighter future for all of us. While our multi-generational grassroots movement places huge focus on youth centered, led, and focused events, we balance it with elder and adult support, love and guidance to prepare the next generation to continue this loving work of community arts, activism, and cooperative economics. Through our hundreds of events and programs, we offer entrepreneurship opportunities, talent development & performance opportunities in all artforms as well as mentorship via the youth arms of our programs through colloborations with our large network of professional teaching artists, community leaders, and business owners.

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